The Goal of True Education
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr
what this qoute is trying to say is that we need to pick up are skills. to never be so hard on yourself. Also you need to not onlyu have character you need to have more skills like intelligence.
Also it means that we need to have those 2 in us. Also not just have that because we will not become successful. Also that we need to stop doing what is wrong. For example I had a friend that will have one thing about him that is good. I had the other thing that iw as good at. My friend and I had a projected and we nailed it. Also we did it will because we helped each other and we did are best. WE did what we are good at. But i learned that it is better to be both to not always have to wait6 for someone to help you. when you can just do it yourself.
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